Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Windfall in West Virginia

Hillary Clinton garnered a resplendent victory in the West Virginia primary today. Despite her rather dismal performance in Indiana and North Carolina, Clinton handed Barack Obama perhaps his "worst defeat during the campaign." However, her attempt to impede Obama's claim to the Democratic throne was hardly felt.

Instead, Clinton garnered 15 of the 28 West Virginia delegates, "with 13 left to be allocated." Although Obama still retains a commanding lead, Clinton accentuated her appeal to blue-collar workers. This particular issue has plagued Obama's campaign since its initiation. Perhaps he will be able to remedy this persisting problem?

No pestilance, however enduring, will hinder Clinton. She will continue to carry on until a nominee is named.

Queen Elizabeth was acknowledged for her vacillation and perhaps Clinton will be known for her stalwart inability to admit defeat. It is odd, however, because Clinton's stoical adherence to her campaign seems conspicuously like vacillation? What do you think? Enjoy.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Walkabout in West Virginia

While Barack Obama may have garnered enough superdelegates to take the lead, Hillary Clinton still refuses to concede defeat. She is advocating a dum spiro spero, while I breathe, I hope, policy. Clinton is attempting to ensure, unlike the Pyrrhic victory in Indiana, that she is declared the unambiguous victor in West Virginia. Maybe she will be successful? Let us wait and see what the polls reveal.

Each candidate has immured his or herself in West Virginia politics, touring the state and issuing resplendent speeches. Although Clinton is ahead by a 40-point margin in West Virginia, Obama has consistently surprised the citizenry with his uncanny ability to obtain superdelegates despite a loss.

The candidates face off on Tuesday, with severe pressure on Clinton to succeed or relinquish her bid for the presidency. One thing is certain; a tumultuous and controversial race will soon continue to persist until a nominee is named.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Goodbye to Machiavelli

Perhaps I am the only one who still reviews the epoch when slaying one's political opponent, whether through dynastic struggle or hierarchical exploitation, was seen as ethical. Where, an adroit prince would slay his counterparts and stand, as Machiavelli once prescribed, omnipotent over their entire family.

Or maybe I am not?

One thing is certain, the ethical conduct of politicians, unlike the bloodshed of former centuries, has effectively altered in this new political arena.

While ethics have always been integral in reporting political news, whether it is tactfully asking Chelsea Clinton about her father's extramarital relationships or Michelle Obama about her loyalty to America, subtlety and deception seem to be on the rise. It is now more important to confront, rather conspicuously, a politician with their vulgar or misattributed actions, in a public setting.

While I am of the same opinion as Milan Kundera, that private and public life should be separated, it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern the difference. One thing is certain, the furtive maneuvers of both the media and politicians alike have ushered in a new era of ethics. Is it right to, as my journalism professor put it, report that, for instance, "Bob Dole was picking his nose?" Perhaps it is better to leave such characteristics between you and the individual.

In the changing political world, where propaganda is present, either audibly or visibly, one must conceptualize the ramifications of his or her actions. While ethics are inherently the same, the environment in which they are executed and contrivances used to execute them are profoundly different.

Certainly we will miss the days when, in order to gain political superiority, one would simply remove, notice the euphemism, his opponent from power. Instead secret alliances, as Bismarck noticed, are the key to diplomatic and ethical success.

Goodbye Machiavelli.


Friday, May 9, 2008


The recent primaries held in Indiana and North Carolina proved auspicious for presidential hopeful Barack Obama. An unequivocal win in North Carolina and a pseudo-win in Indiana, although Clinton garnered enough votes to give her a meager win, legitimized Obama's claim to the Democratic throne.

Wielding his resplendent oratorical sword, Obama has received a myriad of different superdelegates, once again validating his predomination over Hillary Clinton.

Despite the rather solemn outcome for Clinton, she refused to admit defeat. Instead, she will continue her campaign for the presidency and further accentuate John McCain's relief at Democratic vacillation. While the campaign lumbers on tumultuously, only time will tell if Clinton's efforts are fruitful. Will we have another Bull-Moose Party? Let us wait; perhaps the political arena will surprise us all with an unusual outcome.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Between "Wright" and Wrong

Barack Obama may posses resplendent oratorical skills, mellifluous speech, an increasingly effect campaign, other skills necessary of a political figure. However, Obama's connection to Reverend Jeremiah Wright have plagued his campaign for months. His virulent racially and politically charged sermons helped to facilitate a growing controversy.

Although Obama has explicitly alleviated all ties with his former pastor, his campaign has still been damaged, the major ramifications already incurred, by Wright and his unpatriotic statements. Perhaps this will be complicit in Hillary's return to glory? Obama's win in North Carolina begs the question, while further buttressing his success in the political arena.

On the contrary, Clinton has increasingly lost support and has been asked to remove herself from the competition, although she refused to do so. Keep one eye open, politics are just as mercurial as individuals. Enjoy.

(By the way, this was actually posted on May 9th, 2008. Once again, I apologize for the inconsistency and inconvience.)


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lincoln-Douglas Resurrected

Well, if I may say so, Hillary Clinton has at long last issued an interesting challenge to Barack Obama. No, it is not another bowling competition, but instead a comprehensive Lincoln-Douglas debate.

The term Lincoln-Douglas debate is derived from the 1858 Illinois senatorial race between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. The debate is unique insofar that it is not regulated by a moderator.

It would be more interesting, however, to discern a winner. Although Obama stated that, "he would rather be on the ground talking to voters," such a debate may produce advantageous results.

During the actual Lincoln-Douglas debate, Senator Douglas issued what was known as the Freeport Doctrine. Although Douglas subsequently won the senatorial election, his advocation of the Doctrine, which reaffirmed sovereignty as the necessary tool for differentiating between slave and free states, led to his ultimate defeat during the presidential election that followed.

Of course, I am not attempting to draw parallels between Abraham Lincoln and the current candidates, for the former is incomparable and moderate, but such debates would likely generate controversial ruminations or elocutions. Perhaps Obama will accept Clinton's challenge? Keep an eye out, posterity will soon reveal whether or not it will prove feasible.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

P-Day; April 22nd, 2008

Today, the long battle for the Pennsylvania primary comes to a head. Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are vying for victory. Despite Obama's persistent super-delegate lead, Clinton, retains a seven point lead.

The Pennsylvania primary is crucial for a number of reasons. In a poll held by Quinnipiac University, 40% of people stipulated that Hillary should remove herself from the competition if she were to lose. As the day draws to an end, you can expect political potshots and victory speeches. Enjoy.


Monday, March 31, 2008

Let Us Forestall The Introductions...

I have finally returned from my brief sojourn. No, I did not go anywhere. Instead, I receded within the deep recesses of my mind and, probably experiencing a mild case of insanity, neglected my blog. Please do not accuse me of dereliction of my duty, although the time I spent away from my blog was, indeed, a mixture of laziness and moderate work. Anyway, I am back and ready to end this rather histrionic introduction.

Everyone is, at one time or another, confronted with an awkward situation. However, these situations are almost always accentuated in there severity when directed towards a political figurehead or his or her child. For Chelsea Clinton, this is simply a factor of her multi-faceted life.

Again, while campaigning in North Carolina, Clinton was confronted with another question concerning her father's prominent affair.

The student noted that "the scandal was the public's business since the affair occurred when her father was President of the United States.

Clinton responded, "It's none of your business...That is something that is personal to my family. I'm sure there are things that are personal to your family that you don't think are anyone else's business either."

Whatever the situation, familial bonds are often assaulted by political misdeeds.

Whether or not it is Michelle Obama or Chelsea Clinton, as the election of 2008 continues to evolve, even the most distant relative is not safe from the barrage of political arrows.

Let us hope that it does not turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory for either of the two.



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Morale In Mississippi

Barack Obama has recently won the Mississippi primary.

This is the last primary until April 22nd.

As Election Day approaches, both candidates will have to fight tooth and nail for every territory gained and every primary captured. Enjoy.


Monday, March 10, 2008

The Fight for Philly

After Barack Obama's victory in the Wyoming primary, Hillary Clinton has garnered a rejuvenated vigor in the fight for Philadelphia.  

Despite Obama's auspicious lead, Philadelphia's "newly installed mayor, Michael Nutter, is not wavering in his support of Hillarly Clinton." According to Nutter, "the notion that somehow there is a monolithic black vote is just a myth." Nutter will continue to endorse Clinton, even as Obama clinches popularity within the state. Perhaps this ally, who endorsed Clinton in December, will contribute to growing momentum in her favor. 

"On April 22nd, Pennsylvania will apportion 158 delegates, the biggest remaining prize, among candidates based on their relative support." As that day approaches, both of the candidates will undoubtedly attempt to further support for their campaigns. Enjoy!


All The King's Women

Breaking News: I realize that this is not directly related to the election of 2008. However, this staggering new occurrence is worth noting and may affect the election in the future.

Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York  revealed today that he has been unambiguously linked to a prostitution ring.  The governor allegedly told his administrators of the news early this morning.

He said, "I have acted in a way that violates my obligation to my family...I must now dedicate my time to regain the trust of my family... I failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself." Governor Spitzer continued by apologizing not only to his family, but to the public as well.

The prostitution ring is allegedly called The Emperor's Club. In short, it provides women for wealthy men. Govenor Spitzer was apparently caught either calling or text messaging a woman. The governor, who was in Washington at the time, had asked this woman to meet him at a specific hotel. 

Spitzer has yet to resign. In the brief statement he gave to the public, he noted that he would "report back later." Next to him stood his wife, her eyes cast downward, her golden-brown hair tarnished under the pale light. Spitzer has been married for over 25 years and has 3 children.

Governor Spitzer made ethics a bulwark of his campaign, advocating  "squeaky clean, free of corruption legislations." Only the future will reveal what full effect this hypocritical movement will have. As of now, many citizens believe that he must,ultimately, resign.

I will update you further as more information becomes available. To Silda Wall Spitzer and her children, I am sorry. Good luck in the coming days.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Three's Company

Of course Barack Obama has the loyalty and loving support of his wife, Michelle. Of course he carries the internal strength to sustain his campaign. Of course these two elements affect his eloquence and stability in the political arena. However, Obama now has a new asset in the fight for the presidency. His grandma.

As http://www.cbs46.com put it, "American shock jocks, dirty tricks masterminds and political bloggers: Beware the wrath of an 86-year-old Kenyan villager."

Sarah Obama, Barack Obama's grandmother, has recently defended her grandson from the barrage of recent attacks directed his way. On the questioning of his patriotism and the picture released depicting him dressed in the native garb of another country, Sarah Obama had this to say:

'"Untruths are told that don't have anything to do with what Barack is about,” she said in the local Luo language, her gray hair smoothed neatly under a headwrap.' "I am very against it."

Who knew that, as a political blogger, I could actually become a causality of the election of 2008?

However, Sarah Obama deserves praise. In a political world where familial ties are often strained or distant, even from Kenya she maintains a strong bond with her grandson.



Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"Whether It is with Pistol or Tomahawk...."

This week in politics has proven eventful.

After the recent Democratic debate, in which Hillary went on the offensive in order to accentuate support for her campaign, the primaries of Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island were swift in coming. These primaries were particularly important insofar that they dominated the survival of the often moribund, or so it was portrayed by many, Clinton campaign. However, Hillary proved that "whether it was with pistol or tomahawk," verbal slurs or eloquent speeches; she was not going down without a fight. Instead, Clinton blasted her way through the primaries. Subsequently she won Ohio, Rhode Island, and Texas. Although not a major blow to the Obama campaign, it was enough to reaffirm Hillary's candidacy within the polls.

My only question? What do you have to say to that Tim Russert? After the "analysts" concluded that Hillary had lost the debate in Ohio, it was commonly maintained that she would consequently lose the state. Unfortunately, the political arena is not that predictable. Instead, we have a skirmish for the presidency that will continue to be difficult. Each new mile gained will have to be earned through political prowess and eloquence. Good luck to both candidates.

However, John McCain will not have to use his tomahawk to hack through the tangled web of Republican candidates. Instead, McCain was awarded the nomination on Tuesday. Farewell to Mike Huckabee, who ran a colorful and eccentric campaign.

Who do you think will oppose McCain for the presidency? Comment with your answers! Enjoy.


In case you have not noticed, the date is wrong. I am sorry to disappoint everyone but no, I am not clairvoyant.

It is suppose to read March 6th, 2008. That is what I get for attempting to post a draft.

Monday, February 25, 2008

And The Winner Is...

If one person deserved an Oscar last night, for humorous montages and witty repartees, it was Jon Stewart. The popular host of the "Daily Show" engaged the audience with all of his comedic accoutrements. However, Stewart, as was to be expected, did not focus solely on the writer's strike or verbal caricatures of certain celebrities. Instead, a majority of his jokes were directed toward the election of 2008. What did Stewart say?

His most humorous comedic provision was directed toward Hillary Clinton. On referencing the movie "Away From Her", whose main character suffers from Alzheimer's and subsequently forgets her husband, Stewart stated that Clinton hailed the movie as "the feel good movie of the year." This obvious jab at Bill Clinton had the crowd of celebrities engulfed in laughter.

Likewise, Stewart found an interesting way to incorporate both politics and cinematography. He said, "usually when a woman or black man is president, an astroid is about to hit the Statue of Liberty." When reflecting on all of the apocalyptic movies ever crafted, one can only laugh at Stewart's humor and clarity.

Clinton was not the only one cornered by Stewart's antics. He referenced John McCain's age when he stated, "Oscar is celebrating his 80th birthday, which automatically makes him the frontrunner for the Republican nomination." 

Why were Jon Stewart's jokes so crucial to the election of 2008? Well, they presented an entirely new perspective- humor. One must look at each candidate, not only for their political viewpoints, but for their sense of humor. We may be able to laugh at them, but can they laugh at themselves? Thank you Jon Stewart for your comedic anecdotes and political jesting, it was very relieving in this political charged arena. Enjoy.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Believe You Have Met Uncle Sam?

While perusing the internet for other political venues and discussing the current election with some "associates," as I like to refer to my peers as, the issue of Barack Obama's patriotism was raised. 

Apparently, as my friend was divulging to me, Senator Obama failed to put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance. He does not wear an American flag lapel pin and his wife has recently told reporters that "this is the first time I've truly felt proud of America." Such hyperbole, while understandable given the current circumstance, has come under recent scrutiny. Does Obama truly love America? Is he a patriot? In a recent article, posted on realclearpolitics, Obama stated:

"There is always some nonsense going on in general elections. Right? If it wasn't this, it would be something else. If you recall , first it was my name. Right? That was a problem. And then there was the Muslim thing and that hasn't worked out so well, and now its the patriotism thing." 

Obama did continue on to affirm that, "I owe everything to this country."

I, ultimately, feel that he is sincere. However, if you subscribe to the theory that actions speak louder than words- perhaps you would disagree. Thank you to http://www.realclearpolitics.com.  If you would  like more information, please check out the former website. Polls will be arriving soon! Keep posting your comments. Enjoy!


Hillary In a Squeeze

Obama has once again dominated the primaries, utilizing his eloquent skills as an orator and youthful rhetoric as tools in the political arena. His recent acquisition of both Hawaii and Wisconsin ultimately leave Hillary in a tight squeeze. If she has any chance of clinching the Democratic nomination, she must win Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island.

However, Hillary seems to have made a recent concession in the last debate. At its very closing, she said, and I am paraphrasing loosely, that she was honored to be standing next to Barack Obama. Was Hillary utilizing modesty in order to buffer her campaign, or was she honestly making a concession- sincerely congratulating Obama on his efficient campaign? I will let you decide. Enjoy.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Three Ideas for the March Issue

I had originally written this on a piece of paper to be handed in, but considering that W.H.S has a snow day today (that unfortunately woke me up at quarter to six) I will blog my ideas for the March issue of the "Crimson Courier." 

1. Plagiarism- Given the recent news concerning accusations directed toward Barack Obama, as well as the various anti-plagiarism techniques (turnitin.com) undertaken by the school, it is my opinion that the topic itself would present a prevalent feature for the paper. Senator Obama was accused last Thursday of plagiarizing a speech by Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick. Hillary Rodham Clinton has utilized this accusation in an attempt to attack Obama's campaign. However, both  Obama and Patrick admit that they have in the past shared each other's work. While Obama admits that he should have given Patrick credit, he characterized Clinton's attack as a simple smear campaign. While plagiarism has recently agitated the current election, it has also participated in irritating the pedagogy of Wall High School. From personal experiences with anti-plagiarism techniques, I beg to ask the question- are they really effective and accurate?

2. "Driving Decals"-  Mr. Ketelaar, our advisor at the "Crimson Courier," recently posted a link to an article outlining driving decals on his blog. The stickers would be placed on the back bumper of one's car and further differentiate between those with provisional licenses and those without. Given the fact that a majority of both juniors and seniors have their provisional driving license, I feel that an article detailing the ramifications of those aforementioned stickers would be relevant. 

3. The Snack Shack- The junior class is sponsoring a snack shack opened after school until 2:30 p.m. The object of the snack shack is to raise money for the junior class. I think it would be relevant to write about the details concerning the shack, as well as those who facilitated it's creation. 

Anyway, I will be back later with more news concerning the Election of 2008. Enjoy.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tippecanoe and Tyler Too- Don't forget the overview

I thought it would be nice to provide an overview of delegate definitions, just as a capstone for the week.

Barack Obama

Delegate Total: 1, 262

Pledged: 1, 102

Superdelegates: 162

Hillary Clinton

Delegate Total: 1,213

Pledged: 978

Superdelegates: 235

Projected Winners:

Alabama: Obama; Huckabee

Arizona: Clinton; McCain

California: Clinton; McCain

Connecticut: Obama; McCain

Washington D.C.: Obama; McCain

Georgia: Obama; Huckabee

Illinois: Obama; McCain

Kansas: Obama; Huckabee

Maine: Obama; Romeny (gone)- McCain

Massachusetts: Clinton; Romney (gone)- McCain

Minnesota: Obama; Romney (gone)- McCain

Nebraska: Obama; Republican primary on May 13th

New Hampshire: Clinton; McCain

New Mexico: Clinton; Republican primary on June 3rd

North Dakota: Obama; Romney (gone)- McCain

South Carolina: Obama; McCain

Utah: Obama; Romney (gone)- McCain

Washington: Obama, McCain

Alaska: Obama; Romney (gone)- Huckabee

Arkansas: Clinton; Huckabee

Colorado: Obama; Romney (gone)- McCain

Delaware: Obama, McCain

Florida: Clinton, McCain

Idaho: Obama; Republican primary on May 27th

Iowa: Obama, Huckabee

Louisiana: Obama, Huckabee

Maryland: Obama, McCain

Michigan: Clinton, Romney (gone)- McCain

Missouri: Obama, McCain

Nevada: Clinton, Romney (gone)- Paul

New Jersey: Clinton, McCain

New York: Clinton, McCain

Oklahoma: Clinton, McCain

Tennessee: Clinton, Huckabee

Virginia: Obama, McCain

West Virginia: Democratic primary on May 13th; Huckabee

Wyoming: Democratic primary on March 8th; Romney (gone)- Thompson

Wisconsin: -----

John McCain:

Total: 830

Pledged: 804

Unpledged: 26

Mike Huckabee:

Total: 217

Pledged: 214

Unpledged: 3

Ron Paul:

Total: 16

Pledged: 16

Unpledged: 0


- JCarmel

The Newspaper

As I stated in my last post, I went to visit colleges on my week off from school. It was not an extensive tour, I did not go parading across the country, but instead focused on the New England area. I visited Suffolk University, Boston College, Providence College, and Quinnipiac University. Likewise, I had a topical tour of Northeastern University and Boston University. While I was attempting to acclimate to the harsh New England weather, I could not help but, as a student of journalism, subscribe to the theory that "you can learn a lot about a college from its newspaper." Thus, I acquired a newspaper from each college I visited. Likewise, I reviewed and examined each one. After a night of vacillation, I finally decided to pick a winner- yes in the cut throat world of college journalism there has to be a winner. Congratulations to "The Cowl" for 28 pages of good articles, commentary, and photography. But it was not all of these qualities which made me choose Providence's paper. Instead it was the intense focus around the election of 2008. All of the other papers seemed to focus on the oversaturated humanitarian efforts occurring overseas. "The Cowl," however, had a plethora of information concerning the election. As an amateur reporter, I was quite content to discover this new source. So what did I learn?

"What are delegates"- Amanda Silk (class of 2008)

Well, as I am sure you are well aware of, the reason for primary season is finite. Candidates want to win delegates, who will, in turn, vote for them at their respective conventions. "The Democrats use proportional representation to translate the popular vote to the number of delegates. The Republican system varies by state, with some states employing a 'winner take all.' To win the Democratic nomination, a candidate must win a majority of Democratic delegates. There are a total of 4,049 delegates, which means that the 'Magic Number,' or the majority, is 2,025. Currently Clinton has 232 and Obama has 158. (Note: statistics from a week ago) For a candidate to win the support of the GOP, he must win the majority of the 2,380 total Republican delegates, meaning that the Republican Magic Number is 1,191. McCain, before Romney suspended his campaign, had 97."

Then there are the SUPERDELEGATES. "Of the Democratic delegates, 796 are superdelegates. Of the Republican delegates, 463 are unpledged, and like superdelegates do not have to announce their preference."

This is probably common knowledge. However, I just want to thank Amanda Silk of Providence College's newspaper for providing such a systematic breakdown of the "delegate system." Thank you very much. I hope you learned as much as I did! Enjoy.


Colleges and Candidates

What do you get when you mix a concoction of snow and rain, a moderate city setting, and a strong accent? The answer is, if you haven't guessed it, Boston. What does Boston have to do with the election of 2008? Well, right now, nothing. However, it was one of the cities I visited over the last week in search of college tours. Each tour I attended in Boston, Rhode Island, and Connecticut was captivating. Whether or not it was grandiose statues, gothic architecture, or stellar academics each college presented me with a different perspective. However inseparable the two may seem, I could not help but think of the election. Each college was like a candidate. Each college had a centerpiece, an individual point of attraction that was accentuated by the tour guide. While the admissions officer continued to rely on this individual point for support, it was up to the prospective student to acknowledge less flattering aspects. One must do this with the candidates as well. It is crucial to examine every point, to acknowledge every flaw and every accomplishment, before crafting one's final opinion and final vote. What can one find between colleges and candidates? Nothing. There is no middle, there is no end, there is no beginning. Each one must be examined separately and then compared. You probably know that already, but I figured it was worth repeating. Enjoy.


Saturday, February 9, 2008

What do Jon Corzine and Theodore Roosevelt Have in Common?

If you thought the answer was nothing, you may be mistaken. Recent news has surfaced that a group of New Jersey citizens are pushing for Jon Corzine's nomination as vice president under presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. The increasingly unfavorable governor would then be replaced in his duties to the state of New Jersey. However, Corzine denies such allegations.  

In a move entirely reminiscent of Thomas Platt's attempt to end Theodore Roosevelt's policies as governor of New York, which were geared toward eradicating the corruption caused by Platt and many other "crime bosses", men and women alike hope that Corzine's nomination will rid them of the governor. Whether or not such an assumption is fair, well, that is left to be decided. 

The only problem?

Platt was successful in placing T.R.'s name on the Republican ticket. When McKinley was elected as president, Roosevelt was elected as vice president. Platt was, therefore, successful in riding New York of its committed "watchdog."

So why is that a problem?

William McKinley was later shot and killed by anarchist Leon Czolgosz, handing Teddy the presidency. T.R. may have been a good president, but only posterity could decide as to whether or not Corzine would be. Perhaps New Jersey should reevaluate its stance? What is worse: Corzine as governor or Corzine as president? While I am completely unfamiliar with the man himself, I will let you decide. Likewise, I will be providing periodic updates on this story. I'm sure that there is more to be had. Comments are welcome and if anyone receives new information, please feel free to post. Enjoy.


Friday, February 8, 2008

Romney's Race Ends

I was initially going to record the results of Super Tuesday, but decided against that overly-belated post. Likewise, a majority of US citizens have probably seen those results broadcasted across news stations ad nauseum.  Instead, I think it is appropriate to have a moment of silence for Mitt Romney's campaign. May it rest in peace alongside the shattered hopes of Rudy Giuliani and John Edwards, where it will certainly be in good company. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SILENCE- - - - - - - - - - - 
It is just another day in the world of politics, one step forward for any individual is another step backward for his or her opponent. The infectious Massachusetts governor, with his immaculately presidential haircut, announced that he was suspending, and ultimately withdrawing, his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. Romney, who had spent more on his campaign than any other nominee (approximately $88 million dollars), withdrew only days after Super Tuesday. Apparently he did not garner enough delegates in the recent primaries, needed in order to sustain his campaign. His withdrawal clears the path for Arizona senator, John McCain. McCain's nomination is now all but imminent. Mormon Mitt will be heading, at long last, home. The Election will sorely miss him. 

For more information check out:

http://www.realclearpolitics.com  (thanks Mr. Martin) 






Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another Step Forward

What will possibly be the most crucial event of 2008 for the United States? If you guessed the upcoming election, you would be correct. This blog, simply put, is about that election. I will be documenting the election as it progresses from Super Tuesday until the presidential inauguration. This blog will include periodic updates and fun facts. 
Let me first explain the title. William Faulkner said that, "Hollywood is a place where a man can get stabbed in the back while climbing a ladder." However, Hollywood is not, for various reasons, the only place where such an occurrence can happen. There is another location. Washington D.C. This blog will document the "climb up the presidential ladder", complete with the various backstabbing, cheap shots, and factual information, which will occur in this historical and precedent-setting election. Please enjoy.

- JCarmel