Monday, March 31, 2008

Let Us Forestall The Introductions...

I have finally returned from my brief sojourn. No, I did not go anywhere. Instead, I receded within the deep recesses of my mind and, probably experiencing a mild case of insanity, neglected my blog. Please do not accuse me of dereliction of my duty, although the time I spent away from my blog was, indeed, a mixture of laziness and moderate work. Anyway, I am back and ready to end this rather histrionic introduction.

Everyone is, at one time or another, confronted with an awkward situation. However, these situations are almost always accentuated in there severity when directed towards a political figurehead or his or her child. For Chelsea Clinton, this is simply a factor of her multi-faceted life.

Again, while campaigning in North Carolina, Clinton was confronted with another question concerning her father's prominent affair.

The student noted that "the scandal was the public's business since the affair occurred when her father was President of the United States.

Clinton responded, "It's none of your business...That is something that is personal to my family. I'm sure there are things that are personal to your family that you don't think are anyone else's business either."

Whatever the situation, familial bonds are often assaulted by political misdeeds.

Whether or not it is Michelle Obama or Chelsea Clinton, as the election of 2008 continues to evolve, even the most distant relative is not safe from the barrage of political arrows.

Let us hope that it does not turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory for either of the two.



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Morale In Mississippi

Barack Obama has recently won the Mississippi primary.

This is the last primary until April 22nd.

As Election Day approaches, both candidates will have to fight tooth and nail for every territory gained and every primary captured. Enjoy.


Monday, March 10, 2008

The Fight for Philly

After Barack Obama's victory in the Wyoming primary, Hillary Clinton has garnered a rejuvenated vigor in the fight for Philadelphia.  

Despite Obama's auspicious lead, Philadelphia's "newly installed mayor, Michael Nutter, is not wavering in his support of Hillarly Clinton." According to Nutter, "the notion that somehow there is a monolithic black vote is just a myth." Nutter will continue to endorse Clinton, even as Obama clinches popularity within the state. Perhaps this ally, who endorsed Clinton in December, will contribute to growing momentum in her favor. 

"On April 22nd, Pennsylvania will apportion 158 delegates, the biggest remaining prize, among candidates based on their relative support." As that day approaches, both of the candidates will undoubtedly attempt to further support for their campaigns. Enjoy!


All The King's Women

Breaking News: I realize that this is not directly related to the election of 2008. However, this staggering new occurrence is worth noting and may affect the election in the future.

Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York  revealed today that he has been unambiguously linked to a prostitution ring.  The governor allegedly told his administrators of the news early this morning.

He said, "I have acted in a way that violates my obligation to my family...I must now dedicate my time to regain the trust of my family... I failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself." Governor Spitzer continued by apologizing not only to his family, but to the public as well.

The prostitution ring is allegedly called The Emperor's Club. In short, it provides women for wealthy men. Govenor Spitzer was apparently caught either calling or text messaging a woman. The governor, who was in Washington at the time, had asked this woman to meet him at a specific hotel. 

Spitzer has yet to resign. In the brief statement he gave to the public, he noted that he would "report back later." Next to him stood his wife, her eyes cast downward, her golden-brown hair tarnished under the pale light. Spitzer has been married for over 25 years and has 3 children.

Governor Spitzer made ethics a bulwark of his campaign, advocating  "squeaky clean, free of corruption legislations." Only the future will reveal what full effect this hypocritical movement will have. As of now, many citizens believe that he must,ultimately, resign.

I will update you further as more information becomes available. To Silda Wall Spitzer and her children, I am sorry. Good luck in the coming days.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Three's Company

Of course Barack Obama has the loyalty and loving support of his wife, Michelle. Of course he carries the internal strength to sustain his campaign. Of course these two elements affect his eloquence and stability in the political arena. However, Obama now has a new asset in the fight for the presidency. His grandma.

As put it, "American shock jocks, dirty tricks masterminds and political bloggers: Beware the wrath of an 86-year-old Kenyan villager."

Sarah Obama, Barack Obama's grandmother, has recently defended her grandson from the barrage of recent attacks directed his way. On the questioning of his patriotism and the picture released depicting him dressed in the native garb of another country, Sarah Obama had this to say:

'"Untruths are told that don't have anything to do with what Barack is about,” she said in the local Luo language, her gray hair smoothed neatly under a headwrap.' "I am very against it."

Who knew that, as a political blogger, I could actually become a causality of the election of 2008?

However, Sarah Obama deserves praise. In a political world where familial ties are often strained or distant, even from Kenya she maintains a strong bond with her grandson.

