Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Believe You Have Met Uncle Sam?

While perusing the internet for other political venues and discussing the current election with some "associates," as I like to refer to my peers as, the issue of Barack Obama's patriotism was raised. 

Apparently, as my friend was divulging to me, Senator Obama failed to put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance. He does not wear an American flag lapel pin and his wife has recently told reporters that "this is the first time I've truly felt proud of America." Such hyperbole, while understandable given the current circumstance, has come under recent scrutiny. Does Obama truly love America? Is he a patriot? In a recent article, posted on realclearpolitics, Obama stated:

"There is always some nonsense going on in general elections. Right? If it wasn't this, it would be something else. If you recall , first it was my name. Right? That was a problem. And then there was the Muslim thing and that hasn't worked out so well, and now its the patriotism thing." 

Obama did continue on to affirm that, "I owe everything to this country."

I, ultimately, feel that he is sincere. However, if you subscribe to the theory that actions speak louder than words- perhaps you would disagree. Thank you to  If you would  like more information, please check out the former website. Polls will be arriving soon! Keep posting your comments. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

potential op ed?