Saturday, February 9, 2008

What do Jon Corzine and Theodore Roosevelt Have in Common?

If you thought the answer was nothing, you may be mistaken. Recent news has surfaced that a group of New Jersey citizens are pushing for Jon Corzine's nomination as vice president under presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. The increasingly unfavorable governor would then be replaced in his duties to the state of New Jersey. However, Corzine denies such allegations.  

In a move entirely reminiscent of Thomas Platt's attempt to end Theodore Roosevelt's policies as governor of New York, which were geared toward eradicating the corruption caused by Platt and many other "crime bosses", men and women alike hope that Corzine's nomination will rid them of the governor. Whether or not such an assumption is fair, well, that is left to be decided. 

The only problem?

Platt was successful in placing T.R.'s name on the Republican ticket. When McKinley was elected as president, Roosevelt was elected as vice president. Platt was, therefore, successful in riding New York of its committed "watchdog."

So why is that a problem?

William McKinley was later shot and killed by anarchist Leon Czolgosz, handing Teddy the presidency. T.R. may have been a good president, but only posterity could decide as to whether or not Corzine would be. Perhaps New Jersey should reevaluate its stance? What is worse: Corzine as governor or Corzine as president? While I am completely unfamiliar with the man himself, I will let you decide. Likewise, I will be providing periodic updates on this story. I'm sure that there is more to be had. Comments are welcome and if anyone receives new information, please feel free to post. Enjoy.


1 comment:

Mr. Ketelaar said...

Somebody's been busy blogging! So Josh, are the races over? Has Obama been nominated Emperor yet? Please check my blog for links to everybody else's.